MANOWAR Seek Girls For Release Parties

January 16, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news manowar

The following update has been posted at the MANOWAR website:

"Be a Manowar Girl!

...and be part of the Manowar Party-Crew!

In 10 German cities there will be organised official Manowar release parties for the upcoming Gods Of War CD and we want to make sure everybody will have a great time. So, it’s time for the female Manowar fans to start preparing NOW already

What do you need to do:

Dance to a Manowar song, upload your video on or send it via post to: Circle Song Music - "Be a Manowar Girl" - Theodorstr. 41 b-z, Haus P - 22761 Hamburg, Germany.

Length: 30 - 40 sec.

Deadline: February 9th, 2007

The best female dancers will be invited to a Manowar release party in Germany to put all metalheads into a good vibe! And on top of that, they will also win a mega Manowar-Package with cool merchandise.

Additionally, the Top 3 will win a backstage pass for a Manowar concert in Germany during their Demons, Dragons And Warriors tour in March, 2007!

IMPORTANT - Everyone who wants to participate in this raffle, send us the certain url to your uploaded video - saving name "Be a Manowar Girl + name" - personal data and the partytown you want to dance at! Mail all info to: .

Of course, for everybody it will be great to visit a Manowar release party! You can celebrate together with your Brothers and Sisters Manowar's Gods Of War release. Hear exclusive new Manowar songs and you can win also Manowar stuff!

Be sure to attend one of these official Manowar release parties:


23 - Berlin, Germany - Halford
23 - Kaiserslautern, Germany - Flash
23 - Stuttgart, Germany - Club Prag
23 - Köln, Germany - Valhalla
23 - Hamburg, Germany – Ballroom
23 - Nürnberg, Germany - Rockfabrik
24 - Bochum, Germany - Matrix
24 - Herford, Germany - X
24 - Ludwigsburg, Germany - Rockfabrik
24 - Essen, Germany - Turock

Further details on Manowar's Gods Of War release can be found here.

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