ANTHRAX Drummer Charlie Benante Featured In Jaws Documentary

April 2, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news anthrax

ANTHRAX drummer Charlie Benante had issued the following:

"I would like to introduce everyone to a documentary that has been in the works for a few years now. The title of it, The Shark Is Still Working, comes from a quote that was heard from the walkie-talkies during the filming of Jaws. Let me give you all a brief history...

The shark, or sharks that were made for the movie did not react that well to the salt water, and they malfunctioned, thus why you don't see the shark that much is because of that. They had to film scenes without it and basically let the viewers imagination run wild. I think it's better at times not to see it, besides, the music let's you know the shark is there, to me... that's more terrifying. I think it was Richard Dreyfuss who actually say's the line "The shark is not working" in the original documentary.

Jaws fanatics know this to be as classic a line as "we're gonna need a bigger boat". I always think, what if the shark did work? Would the movie be as good? Hmmmm, I don't know? Being a Jaws fan for all these years, I always wanted more behind the scenes footage and stories about what it was like to be there. I guess my dream came true, THIS IS IT! These guys covered everything here, this is Jaws - A to Z, and the best part... drum roll... I'm in it!!! All these years of Anthrax fans calling me Chief has finally paid off, hahahaha.

Here is the link to the web site, go and see for yourself. I really want this documentary to be released, so please help to spread this disease that is JAWS. Sign this petition to get it released!

Let's talk soon.

Amity means friendship!

Charlie AKA The Chief."

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