VADER Guitarist Mauser On Anniversary Album - "Everything Is Alive Now"

April 9, 2007, 17 years ago

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VADER are currently working at Hertz Studio in Bialystok, Poland on their anniversary album, XXV Jubilee. Guitarist Mauser checks in from the studio:

"I have just finished my part of guitar work at the studio. So I'd like to share my feelings about our new product. Let's go so. The whole album will be sort of retrospection of all Vader's releases, starting with the first records and finishing on The Beast album. We refreshed the sound and 'upgraded' all the songs a bit but the main structure is - if I can say so - untouched. Our drummer also speeded up several tunes, so they sound even more brutal now. We tried to keep the 'old fashion' and original feeling of all the songs. You can hear a perfect guitar work now - exactly as I wanted them to be like. The sound is pretty much refreshed as well. It's more sharp and modern. Everything is led by both Wieslawski Bros. as producers. How we recorded the guitars was different too. We were always recording our part separated. Me or Peter (Wiwczarek - frontman) we were working on guitars alone for all the tracks in the song (main line and dubbing). This time we were closer to 'live' recordings, which means - I recorded my part and Peter his part exactly. The feeling is like You were listening real live tracks. Everything is 'alive' now and you can hear it clean! There are all details and leads also bass before us yet. We're coming back to Hertz studio in May and September to finish everything. There is a time for arrangement. There will be, I think, a kind of test of our abilities and next step in putting a spell on the music. Our own definition of death metal as musicians and co-creators of the style."

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