April 18, 2007, 17 years ago

kiko loureiro riff notes george bellas joe stump holyhell news

HOLYHELL / REIGN OF TERROR guitarist Joe Stump has issued the following update:

"Once again, sorry for the lengthy delay in between updates but when I’m touring, I’m not much of a computer guy. I’ve just returned from Europe and the Demons, Dragons And Warriors tour was a truly great experience. The venues were massive, the crowds were great and all and all it couldn’t have gone better. HolyHell was very well received at all the shows and it was killer seeing how people responded so amazing well to a brand new band. Of course the kings of metal, MANOWAR, destroyed every night of the tour; it’s amazing seeing over 10,000 people packed into an arena with their fists in the air night after night. When those guys fire up live and throw down, they don’t fuck around. During the tour, HolyHell released an EP/single (it’s referred to as a single in Europe) on March 23rd; it contains four tracks plus additional video material containing interview segments and live concert footage. You can download the entire EP/single at www.HolyHell.com.

On May 19th and 20th, I’ll be playing in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on a G3 type of bill with ANGRA’s Kiko Loureiro and George Bellas. It’s gonna be a killer guitar show and I’m really looking forward to it. After all the dust settles from touring, I’ll get back to work rehearsing the band for the recording of my next full-on solo album. All the tunes are written and it’s just a matter of getting the guys prepared before we get into the studio to bang it out. I guess that’s it for now."

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