FASTER PUSSYCAT - New Interview With Original Bassist ERIC STACY Available

April 22, 2007, 17 years ago

news rock hard faster pussycat eric stacy recently caught up with original FASTER PUSSYCAT bassist Eric Stacy to discuss the band's current status and clear up the confusion surrounding the existence of two acts going by the Faster Pussycat name. The following is a brief excerpt:

SR: You have reformed with Brent Muscat and Brett Bradshaw in a new version of Faster Pussycat, what led to the reformation?

ES: "Brent and I had talked like once a year for quite awhile about reforming Faster Pussycat. We'd talk about it, throw around ideas, and then boom, it would be another year later. Then same thing, he'd call me or I'd call him and we'd talk about it and nothing would happen. So, this past December when he called I told him basically, 'Brent, it's now or never, we talk all the time about this but let's either do it or stop talking about it.' This time it just felt right, especially being the 20th anniversary of the first record coming out."

SR: There seems to be some division between your version of Faster Pussycat and (original vocalist) Taime Downe's. What is your take on the whole situation?

ES: "I don't want to get into a shit throwing contest with anyone, or have any kind of war of words in the press, that's definitely not why we started back up. But in a nutshell I think to begin with Taime probably thought Faster Pussycat was him and only him and he's reacting to finding out that the band can, and will, go on without him if he chooses not to be a part of this, which he doesn't seem interested in doing in the slightest. And I'm really cool with that. I spent too many years hoping we'd do a reunion right but it doesn't seem important to him, so be it."

SR: Do you feel Taime is tarnishing the Faster Pussycat name with this industrial Goth stuff he is doing?

ES: "Very much so."

SR: Was there any effort made to get Greg Steele back for the reunion?

ES: "I wrote him some months before we started to try and bury the hatchet, let him know it's water under the bridge as far as I was concerned. But I never heard back from him."

SR: It has been stated that this 20th Anniversary tour will be the final time the band hits the road, will this be it for sure?

ES: "I guess we'll have to see how this year goes. It's very hard to say what will be, or won't be, a year from now. I will say that the guys in this band are die hard rock and rollers till the day we die. So, who knows. I know if things feel right it could be hard to just stop. But at the same time, if things aren't fun anymore, or the fans aren't showing the love anymore, then it obviously becomes easier to say goodbye. So in some respect the fans brought us back together and as long as they are making us feel wanted it makes it that much harder to hang it up."

Go to this location to check out the complete interview.

Click here to check out Faster Pussycat guitarist Brent Muscat's open letter to Downe and and Steele inviting them to rejoin the band.

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