BOBNOXIOUS Frontman Checks In From The Road

May 10, 2007, 17 years ago

news bobnoxious rock hard

BOBNOXIOUS - featuring RAZOR frontman Bob Reid - are currently on the road in Canada in support of their new album, Rockaholics. Reid has issued the following update:

"Now this is a funny one. The guys have been waiting in the RV for me to post this shit on MySpace and are now getting pissed….so piss!

We leave…we're off….we drive…we drive some more…I hear the plan is to stop in Canmore and spend the night at Tommy and Todd's sister's place.

Drive on….make it so.

We arrive in Canmore, hook up the RV, load up on steaks, and cook 'em up on the barbecue. After…more drink. Tom,Gavin and Jeffy hit the bars while the rest of us camp it out. Guess Gavin did a karaoke version of 'Takin' Care Of Business' to singing his own version of 'Eatin Bread And Cheesewizz'. Way ta go, Gav…

Anyway, Stan and myself go to the liquor store, pick up some stuff. They have packs of 30 cans here. Pretty relaxing evening, which is good cause the next few nights are gonna be hell.

Last man standing: Todd, 3:00am.

Last man up: Todd, 1:00pm….wuzzy.

In the morning, Wylie,Tom, Dee and Gav go golfing while Jeffy B, Stan and myself go get shit done. Todd sleeps.We hook up for a barbecue lunch of hamburgers and pack up. We took a few pictures while we were there…they should be posted.

Thanx to Dave and Tracy for the hospitality."

Departure 2:00pm - off to Golden, B.C.:

"The drive to Golden is an awesome sight for those who have never been. In my case the only thing new to see is this incredible new bridge they are building way the hell up in the air….it's amazing...guessing for the Olympics in 2010. I'll post a pic for those who give a ****.

We get to the bar and meet Paul the owner. Nice guy, doesn't drink. We set up, and check….the waitresses are cool and I'm doing shooters already. Upstairs of the bar is where our rooms are….convenient. There is also a liquor store selling right out of the bar…convenient - perhaps….dangerous - always.

We hit the stage early at 10:30pm and rock out….and it sounds great. Gavin worked hard to get that PA rockin'. Maybe a little too hard…go have a shower man! Wwweeewww!!! Love ya man, but... for fuck sakes!!

Anyway, not sure what went down from there cause next thing I know, I'm waking up in a room with Wylie, and empties. I ask for a last man standing…no one knows. We pile back in the RV. It's 9:40am, off to Edmonton."


"Wow…lotsa people everywhere…busy place…

We set up shop; The One is the name of the bar. This is a new set up for this club and of course we play 'guinea pig' with the sound system and the hydro…as in our lights, smoke machine…etc. Dee has blown two breakers and we haven't played a note, and when we did - pop. So we were a little concerned about the gig.

Anyway, ¾ of the way thru our set Tommy was invited into the office by the owner Tim. He said that he loved the band and wanted to know if the band was available for the July 1st weekend. He was lovin' the tunes so much. After the show ended Tommy introduced Bob to the owner Tim. Tim and Bob then started to drink heavily at the bar…shots…. while the 'extremely hard working' crew tore down the show. Paul the manager and Sheldon the super fan from Goderich were invited into the motorhome for cocktails. Drummer Dave dished out alcoholic verbal abuse to everyone. Bob was wrecked now... as was Stan. The club invited the band back in for more drinks. Wise Tommy noticed that some members in the band were not capable of participating in anymore drinking events, so he brought everyone back to the motorhome. We then left for our hotel rooms…. Tom went to check in and came back with the hotel manager, who showed him where to park the RV. This is when Wylie staggered out of the motorhome and started yelling, intoxicated, 'What the fuck's going on, what the fuck's going on!' Tommy then took Wylie aside and made Wylie sit on the bench out front of the hotel, then turned to the hotel manager and pointed at Dave and said 'Band'…then pointed at himself and said...'Crew'…

The guy gave Tom the keys. We then partied in our rooms for awhile…last man standing…Stan, 7:35 am.

Wake up call - 9:00am

Morning road show started at 9:30am and I found myself with hair of the dog…so…another morning beer...four of 'em actually. When we got to Grande Prairie, I was feeling just fine. Wwe loaded in and we're waiting for sound check while we watch the Ottawa/Buffalo game…."

Remaining dates on the tour are as follows:


11 - Grande Prairie, AB - Better Than Fred's
12 - Dawson's Creek, BC - Le Spot
14 - Vancouver, BC - The Plaza
17 - Calgary, AB - Back Alley
18 - Saskatoon, SK - The Roxy
19 - Winnipeg, MB - Shannons

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