PROJECT: FAILING FLESH - "There's No Such Thing As A Perfect Album When You're The One Trying To Make It"

May 31, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news failing flesh project recently caught up with PROJECT: FAILING FLESH co-founder Tim Gutierrez to discuss the band's new album, The Conjoined. The following is a brief excerpt from the interview:

Lords Of Metal: When I listen to it, it seems to me that Eric (Forrest/vocals - E-FORCE/ex-VOIVOD) has had a larger input then last time around. It sounds a bit more thrash. Do you feel the same and was it Eric's influence?

Gutierrez: "It's so hard for us to tell because we are so close to the album. But yeah, maybe some of the songs are a bit thrashier. That's certainly a big part of all our backgrounds and does work itself into our playing to varying degrees. Yes, Eric is very important to what we do. Not sure if there was any more input this time because he worked hard on his parts last time as well. Maybe us having worked together before and knowing he was going to handle vocals this time lent itself to us subconsciously writing more for his voice. Maybe that reason also allowed Eric to be more familiar with our style and be more comfortable injecting his stamp too."

Lords Of Metal: You recorded another cover for this new album, but in the end decided to release exclusively on the net ('The Usurper' - CELTIC FROST). Why?

Gutierrez: "Yeah, that one was just for the internet. We like to do a cover occasionally for fun but didn't want to start a habit of putting one on every album. So because we had done 'Warhead' by VENOM on the first album we decided there wouldn't be one included this time and always intended for it to go up on the net."

Lords Of Metal: The album is released. No time to go back on things it the perfect album for you?

Gutierrez: "I guess there's no such thing as a perfect album when you are the one trying to make it. Otherwise we could just pack it in and never write anymore songs because what would be the point of trying to match it or improve on it haha. But we are very happy with the outcome of this one. There are always very minor things that you would maybe do differently in hindsight or tweak sonic wise but I won't go into them because then other people will be listening for them haha. And again, they are very minor. This is the best we could do as the album was made and we stand behind it totally!"

Go to this location to check out the entire interview. It is also available in Dutch here.

Click here to read BW&BK; review of The Conjoined.

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