AMON AMARTH, GOATWHORE Videos on Headbanger's Ball This Saturday

July 6, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news goatwhore amon amarth

This Saturday, July 7th at 7 PM (PST)/10 PM (EST), MTV 2 Headbanger's Ball celebrates the launch of Hot Topic Presents - Third Annual Sounds Of The Underground Tour.

This weeks episode of "The Ball" features your favorite 2007 SOTU band's videos airing, tune in or miss out!

Video playlist is as follows: AMON AMARTH - 'Cry Of The Black Birds', CHIMAIRA - 'Resurrection', SHADOWS FALL - 'Redemption', EVERY TIME I DIE - 'The New Black', GOATWHORE - 'Alchemy Of The Black Sun Cult', DARKEST HOUR - 'Sound The Surrender', JOB FOR A COWBOY - 'Embedded', THIS IS HELL - 'The Polygraph Cheaters', THE ACACIA STRAIN - 'Angry Mob Justice'.

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