PROJECT: FAILING FLESH - "We Have A Pretty Good Start On A Third Album"

July 18, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news failing flesh project recently caught up with PROJECT: FAILING FLESH multi-instrumentalist Tim Gutierrez to discuss the band's new album, The Conjoined. The following is a brief excerpt:

Q: On your debut album you had a cover version of the VENOM classic 'Warhead' and prior to the release of The Conjoined you published a cover version of the CELTIC FROST song 'The Usurper' on your website. Why didn’t this one make it to the actual album and are covers something that you generally like to do? What would be the next one, something by HELLHAMMER maybe?

Tim: "We just didn’t want to get into a routine of putting a cover version on every album. Plus thought it would be cool to offer people a bonus on the internet. But we like doing covers, they are always a lot of fun and a good way to pay tribute to our influences. I can think of a few Hellhammer covers that could be fun!! Not sure who’s up next though. So far we haven’t seriously discussed what we would do next if we do one during these sessions. I’d love to tackle something by SWANS, GODFLESH, COP SHOOT COP or someone like that sometime. If we could do it justice. Cause that stuff has contributed to our approach as much as the early underground metal."

Q: What are your plans for the future regarding Project: Failing Flesh? Any thoughts about performing live at some point and when can we expect some new material to be released?

Tim: "It will probably be a good while before anything else new comes out. The Conjoined just came out really, but we have a pretty good start on a third album! A bunch of songs written and even more ideas floating around that just need to be worked up. Some stuff has already been tracked too, but it will still be a long process to finish that up. That’s what we are concentrating on right now. The live thing is still a mystery (laughs)! It depends on when you ask us as to what answer you would get. I think it would be fun to do it live at some point. Even if just for limited shows. Plus it would be cool for those who support us and would want to see it."

Go to this location for the complete interview. It is also available in Swedish here.

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