July 19, 2007, 17 years ago

jack frost hot flashes seven witches lizzy borden news bronx casket co

SEVEN WITCHES guitarist Jack Frost checks in with the following update:

"While you guys have been working on your tan, I've been busy as usual. Who knew, huh?

This June I made another trip to Los Angeles to mix more of the next Seven Witches record. You're not going to believe the direction Seven Witches is going now! It's coming along slowly but surely. A lot of work is going into this album. Hopefully it will be done soon, guys!

All work and no play?

Not this time! I took my daughter along for her first trip to the west coast, too. Happy Birthday! We spent days at Disney and at Universal doing all sorts of tourist-y fun stuff. She even got me on a roller coaster. We had tons of fun at the parks, and she got to hang out with some of Dad's rock star buddies, too. Our special thanks go out to everyone who made the trip so great for her.

What else?My cover band, SMELL THE GLOVE, is playing some kick ass shows around Jersey. We've been busy pretty much every weekend since I got back, and the turnout is getting better every show. If you're in Jersey this summer, try to catch a show.And be sure to come up and say hello!

Seven Witches headlined the Brooklyn Metal Fest last month to great reviews! Thanks to everyone who came out and made the show a success. We'll get some photos posted soon. I'd like to thank the slamming rhythm section of Clint Arent (PAINMUSEUM) and Mike Sabatini (ATTACKER) for filling in and making it possible for Seven Witches to rock the metal fest.

And it doesn't end there!

There are some incredible releases out there right now... and I'm not just saying that because I'm on them! JOHN MACALUSO & UNION RADIO's The Radio Waves Goodbye CD is available, as is TERRY ILOUS's Here And Gone and LIBERTY & JUSTICE's Independence Day. If you're looking for some great CDs to add to your collection, you owe it to yourself to check these out. They were great projects to be involved with, and my thanks go out to John, Terry, and the guys in L&J; for inviting me to record with them.

On the LIZZY BORDEN front. I talked to Joey Scott the other day, and he told me that they're putting the finishing touches on the Metal Blade 25th Anniversary DVD from this year's New England Metal Fest. Joey says the Lizzy stuff we played is phenomenal! I can't wait for all Lizzy's fans out there to see me delivering my axe! The show got incredible reviews, so I'm really psyched that everyone who couldn't make it can still catch some of it on dvd soon.

So far this month, I am:

* continuing to work on BLAKJAK's debut record at Aarius Studios in Sayreville, NJ.

* playing a bunch of shows with Smell The Glove, who recently started booking with 107 Productions.

* recording more Seven Witches tracks at Mix-O-Lydian Studios in Lafayette, NJ.


Later this year, BRONX CASKET CO. will head into the studio and begin work on the new album. The material is ready and waiting for us, so hopefully there will be new BCC soon.


I'm another year older and just getting started! Talk to you soon! Have a great summer, everyone!"

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