MERCILESS DEATH Guitarist Dan Holder: "It's Really Weird How The Scene Has Grown"

August 8, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news merciless death has issued an interview with MERCILESS DEATH guitarist Dan Holder, conducted by Luxi Lahtinen. The following is an excerpt from the interview:

Q: What is so cool about this so-called "2nd coming of Thrash", people really seem to be into it, and digging all these bands like there's no tomorrow. Even many labels have noticed the potentiality of many of these bands that have crawled from their catacombs into the daylight - and eventually signed them, like Merciless Death and Warbringer as good examples. Your thoughts about this?

A: "I don’t know, it's really weird how the 'scene' has grown - especially here in L.A. A few years ago there was nowhere near as many people that you see going to the thrash/speed shows, but in the past 2 years it really has been growing and I see a lot of kids with patches of bands that I have thought kicked ass for years so its really cool to see that happening - even really obscure bands. All I can hope is that they are actually listening to the bands they have on their jackets! You know what I mean? That’s one thing that bothers me though is that I think some people focus on the way they look and what they are wearing so much they don’t actually focus on the music - which is too bad for them. And yes, more young bands just like us are starting to get contacted by labels - and who knows who will end up signed. The thing that I really think about though is that if you look at how things are going now they have almost repeated what happened 20 years ago. So for me that asks the question 'in 4 to 5 years will it burn itself out the way it did at the end of the 80’s when it became so over-saturated?' I don’t know. However, I do know that if that happens there are some people that I know from shows and stuff that are still gonna be around like us - listening to the same bands no matter what. We wouldn’t give a shit if some people lost interest in this music after a year. Good for them we will still be doing the same thing."

Read the full interview at this location.

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