SAGA - Cover Art Of Forthcoming Album Revealed

September 6, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news saga

The cover art of SAGA's forthcoming album, 10,000 Days, can be viewed on the left (click to enlarge). It was created by Warren Flanagan, who designed the artwork for the recent SYMPHONY X album, Paradise Lost.

As previously reported in January, in shocking news to fans, 10,000 Days will be Saga vocalist Michael Sadler's final album with the band. He issued the following statement regarding his decision:

"Dear friends, fans, critics and anyone with any degree of curiosity, I thought it only appropriate on this, the 30th anniversary of the band, to offer you my best explanation as to why I’ve chosen to end my tenure with Saga at the end of this year.

When I said it was for personal reasons, I was serious. The easiest way to explain it is in the form of an analogy.

Picture yourself sitting in your office at the same job you’ve happily, and successfully, held for 30 years and one which you find ultimately satisfying. You’re listening to one of your favorite songs of all time, staring out the window - imagining what it must be like standing onstage in front of thousands of devoted fans and constantly being told how great you are and how much you’ve touched their lives with your music! Just think how great that would be!

Now, reverse the situation, and imagine I’m the one looking at you thinking 'wouldn’t that be great?' because, believe it or not, that’s how I feel and in some ways, I’m actually envious of you!

As I think about it, I’ve spent more than half of my life focused on my career. Whether traveling or in the studio, I simply haven’t spent a great deal of time at home, wherever that may have been at the time, over the last 30 years!

I suppose what I’m trying to say is, I’ve decided to shift my focus to what now matters most to me and something that has eluded me since we began the band…that something is my family!

As you can well imagine, maintaining a family in the traditional sense is next to impossible when you’re gallivanting around the globe. Calling home to check in when you can, missing birthdays and other important family activities, sending flowers on special occasions to remind those at home that you still exist, is no longer an option for me.

That is why I have decided, not without some degree of regret, to change my lifestyle - and the timing, (which seems to be confusing some of you) couldn’t have come at a better time. I can only hope that you understand me when I say that I feel as though 'it’s my turn'!

Just for the record, for those of you who may be taking this 'personally' and feel that I owe you an apology, I am sorry. Be that as it may, should anyone feel the need for answers to any specifics regarding all of this, plans for the future etc., I will be more than happy to answer you directly through my personal forum.

With all this, allow me to say THANK YOU! from the bottom of my heart, for all the love and support you have given me over the last three decades!"


Michael Sadler

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