September 22, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news sarah jezebel deva cradle of filth angtoria

ANGTORIA / CRADLE OF FILTH Vocalist SARAH JEZEBEL DEVA recently answered numerous questions that had been submitted by fans. A sampling follows:

Q) Now that you have your own band (Angtoria), are you thinking about leaving Cradle Of Filth?

A) "Well I think every musician thinks about leaving a band now and then, doing something different or just wanting something else in life. One day I will go yes, I've been in COF 13 years now. I will have to go sooner or later. There is more to life than standing at the back of the stage scratching my arse for 60% of the show waiting to do an 'ohh' or an 'ahhh.' I love what I do, don't get me wrong but I'm 30. We all change our views. We all wake up one day and realise we need or want something different and everyone in COF is like that. I would say everyone in any job wakes up and thinks that now and then if not all the time. I'm not leaving yet but I will go one day. Nothing is ever carved in stone right? We all have our families and dreams to think about."

Q) How is life for you when you're not on tour? Do you go out, party, spend time with friends?

A) "My life is probably like yours and everyone elses that reads this. I see the people I care about, spend time with them. I love cooking, I enjoy the Internet sometimes, I love shopping. The odd gig and metal night when I can, I'm a home girl now. I love being home. I've done so much and missed out on so much from being on tour. For example, my sister is getting married September 27th. Guess where I am? On tour. Im gutted. I'm so disappointed I won't be there. It's another life on tour, it's not reality. I used to get so depressed coming home from tour because I would come home to reality. Now I can't wait to get home and see the people I love. There really is no place like home when you have spent so many years living out of a suitcase."

To read Sarah's answers to many more fan questions, visit her official MySpace page and look for the scroll box on the left side of the screen.

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