AXL ROSE, SEBASTIAN BACH In Studio - The Photographic Evidence

September 26, 2007, 16 years ago

news axl rose rock hard sebastian bach has posted a photo of Axl Rose in the studio with Sebastian Bach laying down vocals on Bach's first solo album since 1999, Angel Down. Click left to view.

Axl Rose makes a special guest appearance contributing vocals on three of the album's songs - '(Love Is A) Bitchslap', a cover of AEROSMITH's 'Back In The Saddle' and 'Stuck Inside'.

Bach recently gave a quick update on Guns N' Roses long-delayed new album, Chinese Democracy, to the Albany Times Union. "I've heard 'Chinese Democracy' and it rocks, dude," he said. "In fact, I sing on one of the songs, 'Sorry'. He's [Axl] so prolific, dude, that he's recorded enough material for at least three albums, and it's all fucking awesome. It has the rawness and the power of Appetite For Destruction, but it also has the grandiosity of 'November Rain'. It's just fucking awesome."


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