RUSH TabCon 2007 Details Revealed

October 15, 2007, 16 years ago

news rush rock hard

According to, details regarding RUSH TabCon 2007 were released earlier this month. It's the 10th anniversary of the event and it will take place the weekend of November 16-18 at St. Francis High School in St. Francis, WI. What is a TabCon? According to their website:

"Rush TabCons are musical events that take place yearly around various parts of the United States. Their purpose is to allow musicians and fans of the rock group Rush to perform the band's music in a live setting. The idea of a Rush TabCon first came about on the "rush-tabs" Mailing List by Sean Jones. The list, consisting of Rush fans that create tablature for the band's music, loved the idea, and the first TabCon took place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1997. Today they are still going strong and have been held in the Midwest and on both coasts.

Best of all, you don't have to play like Geddy, Alex or Neil because performers of all skill levels are welcome. And you don't have to sing or play an instrument at all; spectators are welcome too!"

To view videos of past performances, check out the Rush TabCon page on YouTube here.

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