KING'S X Frontman DUG PINNICK - New Solo Album Available Today; Video Interview Footage Online

November 19, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news dug pinnick king

KING'S X frontman dUg Pinnick's webmaster has issued the following update:

"Well it is finally time! Strum Sum Up will be available todayand the contest winners will be announced at at 4:20 pm.

To everyone that submitted to the contest we want to thank you! All of the submissions were fantastic. There is a special announcement on the website about the contest. So please check it out once it is up and running.

On 11/21/2007 at 9:99pm EST dug will be doing a 75 minute radio interview online! Be sure to listen as well as call in to ask your questions. The link is

Here is a video of dUg talking about the new record! Some funny stuff and of course dUg being dUg!

Thank you to everyone that has made Strum Sum Up a fun and exciting project!"

May the groove be with you,


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