AZRAEL Re-Sign With Moribund Records; Upcoming Release Details Available

January 21, 2008, 16 years ago

news life in black azrael

Moribund Records reports:

Minnesota avant-garde black metallers AZRAEL have resigned with Moribund for three albums. They'll also have their highly acclaimed Act III and Act IV albums released on vinyl this year, both in double-LP gatefold editions, new layouts,and a bonus track each.

Moribund will also reissue this year the band's ultra-rare and highly sought-after Obdurate MCD, possibly with their even-rarer Unto Death demo as a bonus, as well.

Lastly, reports the band, "We have the material for the next album already finished. This is a single-CD release with

eight songs total, four of which consist of only electric bass, upright bass and drums. There will be an ambient/noise track similar to the last track of the Unto Death demo, which will start out with a solo contrabass piece. The album title and track names are still pending. We are going to record at Winterland again sometime in mid 2008."

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