KOLDBRANN’s Fordervelse To Do Session Drums For FROSTWORK

February 10, 2008, 16 years ago

news life in black frostwork koldbrann

Dagon, founder and front man of veteran UK Black Metallers HEATHEN DEITY, announced today that he will be joining forces with KOLDBRANN drummer Fordervelse to record the second demo for his Experimental Black Metal project FROSTWORK.

When Dagon first started Frostwork in late 2007 he preferred to remain anonymous, creating much speculation as to who was behind the project, something that caught the front man by surprise. “I honestly did not set out to turn it into a guessing game. I simply wanted Frostwork to be judged on its own merits, and not be thought of as a spin off from Heathen Deity”, he commented. “The two are totally separate, and musically bear no resemblance to each other at all. On the day we issued the press release announcing the band, I was stunned when Frostwork's MySpace page went completely crazy, I think on the first day we had over 1,000 listens, with people trying to guess who was behind it. Most people seemed to have opted for Dani Filth, which is quite puzzling really!”

Work on the first demo to be titled The Rites of Winter: The First Storm, is nearing completion, and the workaholic Dagon is already writing and planning the second one, which will be recorded partly in the UK and partly at Fordervelse's own studio in Norway. “My manager, who manages several Norwegian Black Metal bands and knows the scene well, suggested I ought to take a listen to Fordervelse’s drumming on the latest Koldbrann album, and the minute I heard him I knew I wanted to work with him in some capacity. I wanted to expand the material from the drum machine sound of the first demo, which is great as far as it goes, but I think a real drummer has his own take on things, and aside from giving the sound added dimensions, he can take the music in different directions that you might not have thought of yourself. I contacted him, and he liked what Frostwork was doing, so we decided to go ahead. It’s not a problem to record in the two different countries, that’s something I’m doing with Heathen Deity anyway, since two of the members are based in Norway”.

The Rites of Winter : The First Storm will be released shortly and tracks from it can be heard on Frostwork's MySpace page.

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