February 21, 2008, 16 years ago

tyketto white lion rock hard mike tramp house of lords news

Singer Danny Vaughn has issued the following update:

"After countless stops and starts over the years TYKETTO is finally going to play in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. We have been told that the band was always very popular there but have never had the pleasure of visiting this beautiful country. So now it's going to happen! On April the 26th, 2008, TYKETTO will take part in the Hard Rock Rio 2 festival which will also feature MIKE TRAMP'S WHITE LION and HOUSE OF LORDS. The event will be held at: Circo Voador - Rua Dos Arcos S/N.

Tickets will cost 85 Real and information about the show can be found at www.hardinrio.com.br or you can call (21) 98581699 or (21) 81691881

For a long time now we have gotten so much fan mail and emails from our Brazilian fans asking us to come and play so now it's up to you. Let's get everybody down there, sell this thing out and make it a really fantastic event. And remember this show will be with all four original members: Jimi Kennedy, Michael Clayton Arbeeny, Brooke St. James, and me. We'll be playing lots of songs from our classic albums Don't Come Easy and Strength In Numbers and bringing copies of our new CD of "lost treasures" and demos called The Last Sunset: Farewell 2007 and some other goodies as well. So, Brazil, we finally meet in April and nobody is more excited about it than we are. To all of you that have waited so long and kept the faith we want to say, Obrigado!"

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