CANDLEMASS - "Nothing Has Changed"

March 24, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news candlemass

Following reports that CANDLEMASS guitarist Mats "Mappe" Björkman had been sentenced to two years in a Swedish prison, convicted of grand theft following an investigation that revealed that he and an accomplice stole CDs from the Entertainment Network Scandinavia AB warehouse where the pair worked, the band have issued the following statement:

"Candlemass' answer to the crap that’s been published lately is very simple: NOTHING HAS CHANGED!!

The band will record the planned EP, Lucifer Rising, in April WITH MAPPE...

Candlemass will also tour the States WITH MAPPE in May and June and also record the follow up to King Of The Grey Islands this coming autumn WITH MAPPE!!

Despite what’s been said in the press the band is very optimistic about the future.

2008 and 2009 will be two great years for Candlemass.

Don’t believe everything you read!!"

Stay tuned for updates.

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