EVERGREY Post Second Torn Trailer

March 31, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news evergrey

As promised late last week by singer/guitarist Tom S. Englund, EVERGREY have posted a second trailer for their forthcoming release, Torn.

Says the band, "So here it is guys, the April edition of our trailers.

Just to clarify, this are excerpts of many different songs, it’s not one song as some of you seemed to think when watching the first one.

Be sure to let us know what you think!

We sure hope you’ll enjoy it… More news coming soon!"

Check it the new trailer, below...

Evergrey Trailer "Torn" March edition

In a band update last week, Englund stated, "We are almost done with our label-negotiations and think we will be able to present a release date within 2 weeks, and just to clarify, we have lot’s of history with different labels that we needed to clear up before signing a new deal with anyone. This has taken so much longer than anticipated, I mean we have been sending contacts back and forth since last JUNE, so of course this has been really frustrating for us as musicians, but at the same time we’ve been forced to be really business-minded. BUT… as I said we are now down to one label and hope to tell you which one really soon."

Stay tuned for further updates.

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