Original BREAKER Vocalist Forced To Cancel Reunion Appearances

April 15, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news breaker

Original BREAKER vocalist Jim Hamar, who sang on the classic 1987 Get Tough! album, has been forced to cancel his reunion appearances with the band at this summer's Bang Your Head festival in Balingen, Germany. Doctors a few days ago diagnosed 'vocal cord fold polyps' and immediately scheduled Hamar for surgery this week. Fortunately at this time they do not appear to be cancerous. The recovery and rehabilitation time will extend through the entire summer.

"The news came as a complete shock to all of us", says Auburn Records president Bill Peters. "The band had been rehearsing on a regular basis for months and getting along fantastic together just like the old days. It was a very emotional moment when Jim informed everyone in person of the situation. There was not a dry eye in the room. This reunion really meant a lot to Jim. Our thoughts and prayers are with him through this very difficult time".

Adds Breaker drummer Mark Klein: "All of the band are sad that Jim won't be with Breaker at the Bang Your Head festival. While we'll miss him there alongside us, we're also very concerned for his health and are wishing him a quick and smooth recovery".

Greg Wagner (SHATTER MESSIAH, H.A.T.E.) will replace Hamar on vocals. "Jim gave his full blessings and was insistent we not cancel and find a way to continue on to play the festival with another singer", adds Peters. Wagner was Breaker's regular singer before the reunion was put together. "I am deeply sorry for this unfortunate turn of events, Jim is a class act", states Wagner. "This band, with or without me, is held in such high regard in the metal underground and should continue on. I have enough time to prepare and be ready."

The band will be performing 25 songs at their two Bang Your Head shows, including new and not often heard rarities from their past. Wagner performed with Breaker in Germany at their 2004 headlining Headbanger's Open Air festival appearance and was overwhelmingly accepted by their diehard European fan base.

In addition, the band has been in Noise Floor Studios in Cleveland, Ohio with producer Don Depew recording an album of brand new original material scheduled to be released on Auburn Records in time for the Bang Your Head festival. Hamar was preparing to record his vocals this month but will not be able to with the latest developments. Wagner will finish the recording.

"Jim wanted nothing more than to play Bang Your Head and to see all of our friends and fans again", says Mark Klein. "We promise that he'll be right there on stage with us in spirit!". The band will be dedicating their live performances to Hamar.

Visit www.auburnrecords.com for more information

Breaker line-up:

Greg Wagner - vocals

Don Depew - guitar

Michael Klein- guitar

Nick Giannakos - guitar

Brook Hodges - bass

Mark Klein - drums

Breaker live performances:


14 - Cleveland, Ohio - Jigsaw Saloon (w/Manimals, Lick The Blade)
26 - Hechingen, Germany - Bang Your Head Festival Warm-up Show
28 - Balingen, Germany - Bang Your Head Festival Main Stage

Jim Hamar statement:

"As I am sure that you are aware of, Breaker has been invited to perform at this summer's "Bang Your Head" festival in Balingen, Germany June 26-28. Aside from the fact that we were sharing the bill with some the world's finest metal acts, it was also a celebration of Breaker's 25th anniversary isdefinitely something to be proud of!

Sadly, as rehearsals had begun, I had noticed a failure in my voice at times. It rapidly became something that was more evident as we went on, and prompted me to make a visit to the doctor last week. Upon his diagnosis of "Vocal Cord Fold Polyps" being delivered, I soon realized that between the surgery, and the rehabilitation time involved, I would be unable to take part in the Breaker reunion, and the scheduled festival appearances. And as you may have guessed, this will also delay plans for the recordings of a new Nightcrawler CD.

As you read this, I can tell you that you have no idea how heartbroken, and absolutely destroyed I am that along with Mark, Michael, Don, Brook, and Nick I cannot partake in this event. I offer my most heartfelt apologies to my longtime friend Bill Peters from Auburn Records, my fellow band members, the Bang Your Head promoters, the metal magazines, their writers, and all of our friends and fans in Germany, as well as the rest of Europe and back here at home as well, that this has happened. I am so sorry, but I also vow to make sure that Breaker carries on with the show, and hopefully once I've recovered, we can do something really special to make up for this."

Breaker, with Greg Wagner on vocals, performing 'From The Heart' and 'Blood Money' 'live' during their headlining appearance at Germany's Headbanger's Open Air Festival in 2004.

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