Nuclear Blast And MySpace Team Up For Worldwide Band Contest 2008

May 5, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news

BW&BK; has received the following:

Nuclear Blast Records recently celebrated their 20 years of existence in extreme music in 2007.

Branded as one of the metal juggernauts of the world, staying at the forefront of the metal/rock genre is definitely no easy feat. With every year that passes, fresh and innovative talent continues to emerge from the underworld.

In the past, bands from around the world went unnoticed due to the deficiency of their music’s distribution. Since then, there has been a drastic change in digital world and made its way to the front of the line. During this time, an online community named MySpace rose from the ashes and gave thousands of bands the opportunity to share their music with the world.

Thanks to MySpace, many talented unsigned bands quickly gained a strong fan (friend) following, are continuing to get discovered by record labels, and now have a place to call home.

Now Lets Cut To The Chase!

Nuclear Blast Records is offering YOUR Metal band the chance to sign a worldwide record deal!

In a unique contest in collaboration with MySpace International, unsigned Metal bands from around the world will have the opportunity to win a contract with the leading label for (extreme) metal music.

How Can Your Band Enter The Contest?

If you’re a fresh sounding Metal band, you’ve already fulfilled part of the requirements to participate.

All you have to do is send your MySpace Band Page link (make sure your band page has a biography and band picture) in a message to:

Your songs will then be heard and judged by an international team of Nuclear Blast representatives.


* Band must be unsigned

* Band should play Metal

* Absolutely no cover bands

* Own your song material

* No offensive material - Fascism and racism will not be tolerated

* No song material older than 2 years

* Bands music should be in the English language

* Bands must be able to speak and communicate in English

How Long Will The Contest Last?

The duration of the contest is from May 5, 2008 until October 1, 2008.

At the end of the contest, Nuclear Blast Records will select 10 bands that will go into the finals. Finalists will be contacted by Nuclear Blast, and then the grand prize winner will be announced. Finalists’ band names cannot be revealed.

Grand Prize Winner: Will be contacted by Nuclear Blast Records directly and will receive a worldwide record deal with the label.

Runner-Up Winners: Runner up winners will win a download contract (your band songs will be available for sale) at the Nuclear Blast Music Shop []. The Nuclear Blast Music Shop is the MP3 purchase platform of Nuclear Blast. In addition, your band will receive a touring support slot for a Nuclear Blast band!

Promotions: Nuclear Blast Records will launch a special homepage where contest will be featured.

On this page, the MySpace logo will be featured, along with the logos of other international supporters (for ex. well-established metal publications, etc).

Nuclear Blast Records will also do a worldwide online promotion campaign in online platforms such as blabbermouth,, Nuclear Blast USA and European MySpace Pages, newsletter mail blasts to our subscribers, and more.

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