May 8, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news mindless self indulgence tub ring

Chicago's TUB RING are gearing up for the for some long overdue West Coast dates, several of them with MINDLESS SELF INDULGENCE

"I can never think of more than one or two witty greetings to start my updates with, so I'm just going to say 'fuck it' and forego any sort of pleasant opening.

If you haven't heard yet, we're heading out in late May-mid June to play a week's worth of shows with our friends Mindless Self Indulgence and The Birthday Massacre, and paying a long overdue visit to the West coast. We finally stopped ignoring all of your e-mails and pleas to come West and rounded up a few shows, so get your asses in gear and check out the dates, then tell us you hate us because we're still not coming to your city.

Look at me, I'm rambling...surprise surprise!

Back to the point at hand, the MSI shows are already selling out, so rather than waiting until the last minute and then being totally crushed when you find out that the show you were coming to see is sold out, it'd be a good idea to get your tickets now. All of the shows in May and June are going to be wild, it goes without saying that we're extremely excited to be out with MSI and TBM and to visit some of our friends on the West coast.

Now, for some more good news.

Uncensored Interviews just posted a whole slew of clips from an interview we did with them. You can learn all about the super powers we want to have, what music I find more stimulating that cocaine, and even hear snippets of some of the first songs we ever wrote. Check out this link and educate yourselves.

Lastly, we've posted a new song from 'The Great Filter' on our MySpace. It's called 'Glass Companion' and it's probably the swingin'est song your ears will ever digest, it's the last thing you're going to hear for a while as we continue writing for the new album.

Over and out, Trevor."

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