RHAPSODY OF FIRE Vocalist Rejoins VISION DIVINE As Full Time Band Member

May 28, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news vision divine rhapsody of fire

VISION DIVINE, featuring guitarist Olaf Thörsen (ex-LABYRINTH), have issued the following update:

"We are happy to announce that finally Fabio Lione is part of the family again! He was the only logical person we could think about, as he's a wonderful singer and most of all, a wonderful friend. Even more, VD is a creature that he formed up himself together with Olaf, 10 years ago, and wrote wonderful melodies for the first three albums of the band (from the first, Vision Divine, up to the high acclaimed Stream of Consciousness).

Just to make it clear, Fabio won't join the band as a sessionist, but will be part of the official line-up and will be fully committed to every scheduled activity, including recordings and tours.

We apologize for how long it took to give you this news, but we all wanted to make things properly in order not to give illusions to anybody nor to do some wrong move. Now it's official: Fabio will be on stage with the band starting from June 20th (Morarock) and he's already working to our new album, which recordings are scheduled starting from August 11th.

We know that every time there's a change in our line-up somebody gets concerned and fears that things could go wrong; every time there are gossips around the names and the reasons why things have happened. As always, we let fact talk on behalf of the band, and so far facts always told we were right making the best decision in order to let the Vision grow up as it deserves.

We'd like to spend our last words for all those many people who supported us during this period. Your friendship arrived to us from all around the world, and we want to dedicate our new album to all of you, who never lost your faith in us. Once again, we are sure you won't regret."

Lione replaces singer Michele Luppi.

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