EMETH Part Ways With Drummer

August 4, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news emeth

Belgium extreme grind/death powerhouse EMETH have issued the following update:

"We are sad to announce that (drummer) Tom Ales has decided after seven skincrushing years to leave the band to focus on family. This is not a sudden decision, but something that has been pending for several months now. Since the band grew rapidly the last few years, the time and commitment needed for being in studio and on tours increased. Tom had always twisted and turned his personal life to the maximum to be able to go along with the band shedule. Now seven years and two kids later, he has reached the end of his stretchings and chooses to focus full time on his family life. There are no hard feelings mutually and Emeth wishes Tom all the best for his future musical career.

Interested parties who think they have the skills, determination and personality to play this kind of music that the group is looking for, should send an application with a brief bio and a photo or a video clip to emeth@telenet.be."

As previously reported, Emeth have released the title track as the first video from their new album, Telesis, which was produced with director Maurice Swinkels and Low Life Media (Aborted, IMMOLATION) - view the clip below...

Upcoming Emeth live dates include:


4 - Edmonton, AB - The Mead Hall (with Disgust)
5 - Calgary, AB - Verns Tavern (with Disgust)
7 - Vancouver, BC - The Cobalt (with Disgust)

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