SINNER Guitarist's THE NEW BLACK Named "Demo Of The Month" In Four Major German Magazines

September 28, 2008, 16 years ago

news the new black rock hard sinner

THE NEW BLACK, featuring SINNER guitarist Christof Leim, have issued the following update:

Germany's The New Black have been awarded "Demo Of The Month" in a major music magazine in their home country ... again!

After being hailed by Metal Hammer, Rock Hard and Guitar for the pre-production version of their unreleased debut album, now Rocks magazine has named them "Demo Recommendation" in their current issue along with a glowing review:

"This dozen of tracks between Grunge, Metal and Classic Rock is a welcome assault on our ears, a kickstart for heart and blood circulation and an unmistakable inviation to raise your fists and bang your head." (Rocks Magazine)

Comments the band: "Needless to say, we're flattered and (briefly) speechless. We're not sure if that ever happened in Germany to any band...Thanks!"

The New Black's music was often described as follows: "Imagine Black Label Society inviting the Nickelback guy over for some Thin Lizzy covers, all dressed up in Pantera shirts."

Currently, The New Black are in talks with several labels and booking shows for 2009. See for music, pics and review quotes. Contact:

The New Black live:


6 -Hameln, Germany - Regenbogen


30 - Leipzig, Germany - Werk 2 (supporting VOLBEAT)


6 - Esslingen, Germany - Komma
27 - Arnsberg, Germany - Winternachtstraum Festival


17 - Paderborn, Germany - Metal Inferno Festival


23 - Dettelbach/Würzburg, Germany - Rock Mania Festival


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