Guitarist Dirk Sauer On Band's "Sound" - "It's Just A Result Of What EDGUY Sound Like Now And Will Sound Like In The Future"

October 9, 2008, 15 years ago

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Solid Rock has issued an interview with EDGUY guitarist Dirk Sauer. The following is an excerpt from the interview, conducted by Jason Kaldis and Harris Bakopoulos:

Q: After Rocket Ride and of course this album (Tinnitus Sanctus), it seems that you’re following a more hard rock direction. Was this on purpose?

A: "No, I think this came out of the writing and recording sessions. We never set out to do an album in this or that style, it’s just a result of what Edguy sound like now and will sound like in the future."

Q: Are you trying to attract a new audience?

A: "Well, I think we always like for new people to listen to us. But not we’re not really actively trying for something like that. We just do our best and hopefully with this new album then people will like it and they’ll tell their friends and that this is a rocking album and they’ll tell they’re friends and so on..."

Read the full interview at Solid Rock.

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