COURTESANS Talk Bullying And Supporting The Sophie Lancaster Foundation (Video)

January 1, 2018, 6 years ago

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COURTESANS Talk Bullying And Supporting The Sophie Lancaster Foundation (Video)

The clip below is an exclusive interview with Sinead La Bella, Saffire Sanchez, Agnes Jones of Courtesans for the radio show Louder with Ore B on Rhino Radio ( It was conducted in Birmingham, England on December 6th, 2017. During the interview they discuss the effects of bullying and supporting the Sophie Lancaster Foundadtion, which was launched after 20 year-old Sophie Lancaster was beaten to death in August 2007 for looking "different."

Courtesans have posted the following year-end update:

"2017 has been an incredible year for us, one of the highlights has to be our performance at Bloodstock Festival in the Sophie Lancaster tent! Much love to everyone who enjoyed the show. Here is 'Feel The Same' shot by Andrew Jenkins aka Deceiver of Fools do subscribe to his channel, he has some great live videos."

Following the release of their acclaimed debut album 1917 and 2016's successful Pledge Music campaign, Courtesans released their 5-song EP, Better Safe Than Sober, on March 31st, 2017. Check out "Feel The Same" below, the second music video to be taken from the EP

The Courtesans on "Feel The Same" - "A tale of deception, desperation and resignation. It’s about a hollow belief in other people’s honour, honesty and good intentions when dealing with your emotions.Holding on to what you thought you were told was true but being confronted with the chilling reality of having been lied to and then left alone to battle the pain of understanding the lies you were spun, questioning everything you thought was real."

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