DEATH ANGEL, FLOTSAM AND JETSAM, SKINLAB And ALL HAIL THE YETI Confirmed For NorCal Tattoo And Music Festival 2016

February 24, 2016, 8 years ago

news death angel flotsam and jetsam skinlab heavy metal

DEATH ANGEL, FLOTSAM AND JETSAM, SKINLAB And ALL HAIL THE YETI Confirmed For NorCal Tattoo And Music Festival 2016

The NorCal Tattoo And Music Festival will take place April 8th - 10th at the Cal Expo in Sacramento, CA. Death Angel (pictured), Flotsam And Jetsam, Skinlab and All hail The Yeti have been confirmed for the event. Go to this location for event details.

Bay Area thrash legends Death Angel will release their new album The Evil Divide on May 27th via Nuclear Blast Records. A teaser page with a snippet of a new song can be heard at this location.

Death Angel recently posted a message about the completion of the new album:

"We are pleased to announce... our new album is done! Just listened to the final mastered cut and couldn't be more satisfied. Ted Jensen at Sterling Sound in NY did an AMAZING job as usual. We absolutely cannot wait to lay it on you! Time for a celebration. Cheers!"

Check out some photos from the studio below.

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