GILBY CLARKE Describes His New Album - "A Good, Fresh Approach On Classic Rock"

January 28, 2019, 5 years ago

news gilby clarke hard rock

GILBY CLARKE Describes His New Album - "A Good, Fresh Approach On Classic Rock"

During last weekend's NAMM Convention in Anaheim, California, former Guns N' Roses guitarist Gilby Clarke spoke with Gibson’s Chief Merchant Officer, Cesar Gueikian. They discussed inspiration, Gilby’s new solo album and his Gibson guitars; an excerpt has been transcribed as follows:

Gilby: "I have not done a record since 2003. So, it's been a long time coming. For me, I can't do a record unless I feel good about the songs. I want to make a record that I want to listen to. These songs, I'm really excited about. They're new songs; it really is classic rock. Just a new version of what I like to do, which is loud guitars."

When can we expect that to be out?

Gilby: "May is our plan, hoepfully May. This has been going on for a few years, the deal is done... it's a good classic Aerosmith sound; that's what I was going for on this record."

On January 3rd, Gilby Clarke played The Canyon Club in Agoura, California. Fan-filmed video of "Tijuana Jail" can be seen below:


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