GINGER WILDHEART Raises Awareness For Suicide Prevention, Releases Charity Single "Fuck You Brain"

December 5, 2016, 7 years ago

news ginger wildheart hard rock

GINGER WILDHEART Raises Awareness For Suicide Prevention, Releases Charity Single  "Fuck You Brain"

Ginger Wildheart is releasing a single for Suicide Prevention at Christmas to promote Mental Health Awareness and the proceeds will go to The Samaritans.

The lead track is called "Fuck You Brain", recorded with Ginger’s friend Ryan Hamilton. Along with "Fuck You Brain", the single includes two extra original and previously unreleased songs, all for £5.00 (minimum).

“Ironically I struggled even getting to the studio to record my parts for this single, deep as I was in my current battle with depression," admits Ginger. "The same attack that almost killed me a week ago. My depression wants me dead. So far I'm winning on weight advantage, but the battle is never over.

This is a very vulnerable time of year for sufferers of mental health issues, and suicide sees a marked increase over Christmas and New Year. So the help provided by The Samaritans is invaluable, especially over this period. Please help us in helping someone this year.

Obviously severe depression is not seasonal, but the reminder that you yourself are 'not doing so bad' is reinforced over this Festive holiday. If you have a healthy family, loved ones who are safe, a warm home, a job and a hot meal staring at you at some point, then you are doing better than many people this Xmas.  

To simply say 'thank you' for what you have, please donate for those suffering from suicidal thoughts, struggling with depression / anxiety, or for those helping such a person through this holiday period.

Our suggestion is £5.00, but if you're doing okay this year then please add a little. The people involved in this single all gave their time for free, and we'll even be dropping a 'thank you' donation into the box. Let's do this selflessly and with love.

I'd like to thank everyone who has worked tirelessly to make sure that this single happens in time to help. My warm thanks extend to every one of you for helping save someone's life this Christmas."

To purchase the "Fuck You Brain" single, click here.




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