GREAT WHITE Drummer AUDIE DESBROW Opens Up About Firing Of Singer TERRY ILOUS - "There Were Differences Of Opinion, Personality Clashes"

August 6, 2018, 5 years ago

news great white hard rock

GREAT WHITE Drummer AUDIE DESBROW Opens Up About Firing Of Singer TERRY ILOUS - "There Were Differences Of Opinion, Personality Clashes"

Speaking with Listen Iowa, Great White drummer Audie Desbrow went on record with regards to the recently firing of vocalist Terry Ilous, who replaced original singer Jack Russell in 2011. Ilous has since been replaced by Mitch Malloy.

Following is an excerpt from the interview.

Q: There had been some grumblings online about Terry’s delivery of the songs that put you guys on the map with your original vocalist, Jack Russell. Some fans weren’t satisfied with what they were hearing. Did that play a part in this at all?

Desbrow: "The fans are very used to hearing Jack Russell’s voice in Great White. It’s very identifiable. With Terry, we could have gotten a Jack clone, but we didn’t. Terry fit the criteria of the music direction that we were going in very well. But some people thought we were actually trying to pass him off as Jack, which wasn’t our intention at all. It’s really hard after someone plays in the band for so long. You try to do the best interpretation of the phrasing of Great White. After a while, when you start to add your own style to it, it starts to stray away from what people want to hear."

“Some things don’t work out business-wise, so we had to part ways with Terry. There were differences of opinions, personality clashes. Certain things just don’t work out after time and you just have to move on. It’s one of those things that sadly has to happen in the music world. I actually got along with Terry well. He’s a great singer. But Mitch is great, too, and we look forward to working with him.”

Q: So you were indeed hearing about it from you fans.

Desbrow: "It was about half and half with the fans. Every time I’d post (on social media) something about the band, it would be that way. Half the fans wouldn’t accept this band as Great White. You gotta stay true to what people are familiar with. You can’t turn these songs into reggae or jazz songs. (laughs) I’m sure Terry will have no problem finding work. The whole time he was in the band he was getting offers from everyone from George Lynch to Dio Disciples and different people who were like, 'Hey, we’d love to have you if you ever leave Great White.'"

Read the complete interview here.

As of Monday, July 9th I was informed through an email and the internet that I was no longer with the band Great White," says vocalist Terry Ilous. "After having just played a round of back to back shows this week, needless to say, I was taken by surprise. I would, first of all, like to personally thank each and every one of the fans for their continued support over the last 8 1/2 years. It has meant a great deal to me to meet and get to know so many amazing people while on the road."

"Taking over the lead for such an iconic band as Great White was no easy task. I did my best to never disappoint the fans and to respect and protect the legacy that Mark, Michael, Audie, and Jack had established so many years ago. Throughout these 8 1/2 years, I have proudly invested all of my energy and focus into the GW brand. And while I am disheartened at the abrupt end to this year's tour; I will now put my focus into my solo works and other endeavors. While I have no official statement on future touring at this time, I will say that there will be some surprises in store for fans. Stay tuned to all my social media pages, announcements to come."

Terry later provided the following update: "Hello everyone thanks for the support, I'm very touched and yes, I'm disheartened but do not wish to start anything bad between the GW camp and myself. It was a great opportunity and I thank Mark, Audie, Michael, and Scotty for believing in me. Great White [Band] Trust me I'm not a doormat, I just don't want drama."

On July 21st, original Great White vocalist Jack Russell commented on Ilous' firing, which he called "deceitful". His full statement can be read below.

"Hello my friends, I just wanted to express my condolences to Terry Ilous for the deceitful way my X band members dealt with the situation of his termination; kind of reminds me of something else, huh? In the last few months Terry and I have gotten to know each other through LinkedIn, have become what I would say friends. As far as I'm concerned, he's a great guy and he had an opportunity and he took it. The fact is it was my fault that it all happened to begin with. I was unreliable, unhealthy and my addiction ruled my world. I wouldn't have wanted to play with me either if I were them. The only thing I was very upset about was the way they went about it. But at least Terry got an e-mail where I received nothing, not even a phone call or a return message. But this is not about me, this is about Terry. I'm sure he will find his way to a better place as he is a great singer and has a lot of talent and I have a lot of respect for him. I wish him well and I hope you will all support him in his future efforts. God bless you all, and as always keep the rock alive! It's up to you. All my love."

To follow Terry's solo career, visit

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