IRON MAIDEN Guitarist ADRIAN SMITH Confirms He Was In Line For A Job With DEF LEPPARD - "There's A Whole Story About That"

August 18, 2020, 3 years ago

news heavy metal iron maiden adrian smith def leppard

IRON MAIDEN Guitarist ADRIAN SMITH Confirms He Was In Line For A Job With DEF LEPPARD - "There's A Whole Story About That"

Adrian Smith has opened up to eonmusic about his career, confirming that he has a new solo project on the way, and that he was in line for a spot in Def Leppard after the passing of guitarist Steve Clarke in 1991. Smith made the revelations during an in depth chat with the site about his book Monsters Of River & Rock.

During the extended chat, Iron Maiden's melodically-leaning player also reminisced fondly about early recording sessions with the recently departed Martin Birch, as well as recalling the session that led to recording Iron Maiden's epic "Stranger In A Strange Land".  

Adrian further talked about his guitar playing technique, saying; "My playing, I like to think, I try and feel stuff, and I like the space to play in it. I mean, I try to construct solos with a beginning and end, a little mad flurry, a melodic bit; that’s just the way I kind of think. I hear a solo in my head and then I work out how to play it, usually."

Going on to chat about an unnamed forthcoming solo project, the guitarist said; "I’m very excited about it, but I can’t say. I’m doing a lot of singing, but the person I’m working with, we’re sort of splitting the vocals. But that’ll be coming. I’m very excited about it, but I’m sworn to secrecy at the moment."

Finally, long-rumoured to have been in line for the job that eventually went to Vivian Campbell, Smith confirmed that he had been in contention for Def Leppard following the death of Steve Clarke in 1991. When asked if that really was the case, a tight-lipped Adrian replied; "Well, emmm… [long pause] I was, yeah. Yeah I was. I’m not sure… I want to write more books; that might be in my next one! [laughing] There’s whole story about that, there’s a whole story about that."

Read the complete interview at eonmusic, here.

Monsters Of River & Rock: My Life As Iron Maiden's Compulsive Angler is the new memoir from Adrian Smith, to be released on September 3 via Virgin Books. Adrian tells us a bit about his forthcoming book in this new video:

“Back at the hotel, I sat back, glass of wine in hand, and studied the tour itinerary... Let’s see, Hartford, Connecticut... big carp in the Connecticut river... Montreal, smallmouth bass in the St Lawrence... Winnipeg, always fancied having a go for those big catfish in the Red river... and so on. The endless road and winding river...”

Adrian Smith, the legendary lead guitarist of 100-million-album-selling band Iron Maiden, is well known in the Maiden community as a fisherman, and a former cover star of coarse-fishing bible the Angler's Mail (biggest chub of the season, August 2009). In his first, very personal, riverside memoir, Monsters Of River & Rock, Smith takes us with him on his incredible journey, through the highs and lows of life on tour, and on the river-bank, as his fishing gear travels with him across the world.

Adrian got hooked on fishing as a child growing up in East London, plundering ponds and bomb craters on the Hackney Marshes for newts and sticklebacks and catching perch from the Grand Union Canal whilst on outings with his father. Things began to get more exotic when the young angling enthusiast grew up to become lead guitarist in one of the most successful rock bands in history, and started travelling the world playing to many millions of fans. But once a fisherman, always a fisherman. The gear went with him, the fish got bigger, the adventures more extreme.

(Photo - Nathalie Dufresne-Smith)


Welcome to the world of Adrian Smith, as he clocks in to his day job furthering the geographical boundaries of hard rock, and clocks off to explore far-flung rivers, seas, waterways, lakes and pools on his fearless quest for fishing nirvana. His adventures range from his first sturgeon, a whopping 100-pounder from Canada’s swirling Fraser River that nearly wiped him out mid-Maiden tour, to a close shave with a large shark off the Virgin Islands whilst wading waist-deep for bonefish. Not to mention an enviable list of specimen coarse fish from the UK.
Charming, funny, and moving in equal measure, Monsters Of River & Rock is the ultimate fishing-fantasy armchair read, and is also the story of a rock star in a fast-moving world who seeks peace and tranquillity at the water’s edge - wherever he is.

(Photo - Martin Weller)


Adrian Smith was born in Hackney, East London, on 27th February 1957. He joined Iron Maiden at the end of 1980. Adrian is the band member who has collaborated on the most side projects outside of Iron Maiden, as well as writing and recording a series of albums in the early '90s, before rejoining the band. Iron Maiden have sold 100 million albums, and tour the world playing to millions of fans. Onstage, Adrian uses Jackson and Gibson guitars. Offstage, he is an avid tennis player, however his main hobby is fishing. He takes his rod and gear out on tour with him wherever he goes. This is his first book.

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