MARYANN COTTON Signs Worldwide Deal With El Puerto Records; New Album Due In Early 2020

July 23, 2019, 4 years ago

news hard rock maryann cotton

MARYANN COTTON Signs Worldwide Deal With El Puerto Records; New Album Due In Early 2020

Maryann Cotton has signed a worldwide deal for three albums with El Puerto Records. The new album is set to be recorded in Maryann’s home town Las Vegas during the summer.

Says the band: ''We are happy to announce that we just signed a worldwide deal with El Puerto Records. We just finished the music and songwriting for the new album, and now we're ready to hit the studio and record it. We are so happy about the new material, our new album is going to be the best one we've done so far. We are looking forward to all future endeavours with El Puerto Records.''

The new album is set to be released in early 2020.

Maryann Cotton adds: "It always takes some time to find your own style, but after three albums and a lot of touring we finally found the right direction for the new album. The vibe and attitude of the new album is going to be a lot more majestic meets cabaret all bundled up in a dirty sleazy package. I already have the title for the new album as well, and I can't wait to start the whole process in a very few days."

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