Metal: Made In Ukraine - Documentary On Ukrainian Metal Scene Streaming

July 31, 2017, 6 years ago

news heavy metal metal made in ukraine

Metal: Made In Ukraine - Documentary On Ukrainian Metal Scene Streaming

A new documentary on the Ukrainian metal scene, Metal: Made In Ukraine, produced by Takahuli Production, is available for streaming below.

The film uses fragments of performances by leading Ukrainian metal bands, as well as interviews with people promoting metal culture both inside the country and abroad: Igor Simonenko (Fatal Epitaph, Terroraiser Production), Viktor Ozolin (Flying, Mad Sanity, The Great Commandment Fest, Metal Vest radio show), George Dementyev (Core Metal Shop), Varggot (Nokturnal Mortum), Andriy "Riffmaster" Antonenko (Adem, Daz Machine, Riffmaster), Alexander "Khorus" Bogatikov (Astrofaes, Khors, Kzohh), Igor Listopad (Fleshgore), Yuri Chernyaev (Atmosfear magazine), Aleksey Pasko (Hell: On), Ivan "Froster" Morozov (, Sergei "Bolt" Iofik (Metal Heads' Mission Fest).

The film was created not only for fans of "metal", but also for all fans of good music and informal culture.

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