METAL MIKE CHLASIAK Announces Metal For Life Online Guitar Program

February 7, 2017, 7 years ago

news riff notes metal mike chlasiak

METAL MIKE CHLASIAK Announces Metal For Life Online Guitar Program

Metal Mike Chlasciak (Halford, ex-Testament, ex-Sebastian Bach) has announced a new guitar program teaching heavy metal guitar for $19.95 per month which includes exclusive videos twice a week, and a Monday Motivation message.

Metal Mike says, “Guitar playing is a funny thing. I should know as I dedicated 32 years of my life to it so far. Hundreds of thousands of players (sound crazy, but it’s true) saw my online videos and they e-mail me saying ‘Metal Mike, your video really helped me with a technique or with writing riffs,’ or, ‘What do you use to get that guitar tone?’ I love getting these e-mails and I reply to everyone.

“But, I also know that jumping around the internet looking at a video here and a video there with no rhyme or reason or asking me an isolated question robs these players of true results. Or, if the results come, it is through a very slow process.”

Included in the guitar program:

-Two videos each week (Tuesday and Friday) on one topic.
-Metal Monday Motivation post on Monday.
-Membership in a private Facebook group.
-Access to me with personal interaction answering your questions, e-mails and overseeing your progress.
-Support from players just like you who love to play metal guitar and want other encouraging people around them.

Head to this location to sign up.

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