PRETTY MAIDS / NORDIC UNION Singer RONNIE ATKINS Issues Update In Lung Cancer Battle - "I’ve Had No Midway Results Nor Status On What Kind Of Effect The Treatments Have Had"

December 23, 2019, 4 years ago

news hard rock heavy metal ronnie atkins pretty maids nordic union

PRETTY MAIDS / NORDIC UNION Singer RONNIE ATKINS Issues Update In Lung Cancer Battle - "I’ve Had No Midway Results Nor Status On What Kind Of Effect The Treatments Have Had"

Pretty Maids/Nordic Union vocalist, Ronnie Atkins, recently revealed that he is battling lung cancer, and has now issued the following update:

"As promised a little update on my current situation in regards to my illness.

"At the end of this month I’ll be done with some 33 radiation treatments and a few days later I’ll receive my 4th and hopefully last series of chemo therapy.

"During all this I’ve had no midway results nor status on what kind of effect the treatments have had on my cancer and I won’t get any conclusion from the medical staff on what my situation is until sometime in January where they can judge the full impact of the treatments.

"What I can tell you is that both the chemo and radio therapy has been rather merciful to me compared to what I had expected and feared. Of course there’s been and still are side effects, but in general I’m in both good physical and mental shape.

"So despite everything I’m still positive and in good spirit, and I can’t wait to return to the stage and do what I love the most again in 2020.

"Finally and once again, let me express my sincere thanx to all of you out there who’s been faithfully supporting me and constantly been cheering me up in all this. I’m forever thankful." ❤️

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