SHARON OSBOURNE Says That She And OZZY Have “Worked Things Out”

September 28, 2016, 7 years ago

news heavy metal sharon osbourne ozzy osbourne

SHARON OSBOURNE Says That She And OZZY Have “Worked Things Out”

Sharon Osbourne was on Conan last night and said that she and Ozzy have worked out their martial woes. Sharon Osbourne claimed her husband Ozzy has cheated on her with five different women in five different countries, but Ozzy has since been in therapy for sex addiction.

When Conan broached the topic and said “you worked it out and talked about it?”

“It wasn't as easy as that,” Sharon said, “but we worked it out.”

“It’s tough, you know, when you’re an addict,” Sharon added. “He likes too much alcohol, he likes too much drugs, he likes too much sex. Everything is too much, so it’s tough for somebody that suffers with that.”

Watch a Yahoo! TV report below:


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