TERRY BUTLER On Former Bandmate CHUCK SCHULDINER's Christianity - "When I Was In DEATH, Chuck Never Mentioned Anything About Religion"

February 4, 2020, 4 years ago

news heavy metal death terry butler chuck schuldiner

TERRY BUTLER On Former Bandmate CHUCK SCHULDINER's Christianity - "When I Was In DEATH, Chuck Never Mentioned Anything About Religion"

In an interview for Blasting News, writer Samuel Di Gangi spoke with bassist Terry Butler (Obituary, ex-Death, ex-Six Feet Under). Read an excerpt below:

Di Gangi: In the early days, it seemed like everyone assumed that fans who were into darker metal were, by very definition, Satanic. Chuck Schuldiner actually broke that mode and was a Christian. Have you found that the scene was never about that to start with, simply a matter of liking more ominous art and never about religion?

Butler: "When I was in Death, Chuck never mentioned anything about religion. He never brought that into the mix. Rock n roll and metal have always seemed dark and dangerous. That comes with the territory. As a 16-year-old kid, you are not inspired by butterflies; you are inspired by zombies and evil, so that is a musical influence."

Di Gangi: What is it like having the past that you do with Death as well as Obituary, also one of the founders of death metal as America knows it... birthed in that amazing Florida scene?

Butler: "It's a good feeling. I've been blessed to be in some killer bands with some killer people. Love being in Obituary. We were paving the way for future bands back then."

Read the complete interview at Blasting News.

(Photo - Sidekick Photo)

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