TNT Comment On Future Without Vocalist TONY HARNELL - "Consider It Possible That TNT Will Rise Again In One Way Or Another"

January 4, 2015, 9 years ago

news tnt tony harnell heavy metal

TNT Comment On Future Without Vocalist TONY HARNELL - "Consider It Possible That TNT Will Rise Again In One Way Or Another"

On January 3rd, vocalist Tony Harnell announced that he was leaving TNT again, having rejoined the band in 2013. The band has since released the following statement:

"Happy new year everybody! We hereby want to thank you, and everybody on and off stage for a great 2014 - celebrating 25 anniversary of the Intuition album and releasing the Anniversary album with Trondheim Symphony Orchestra.

Despite a great 2014, there were never any firm plans for TNT in 2015. The band and crew have worked hard since The Big Bang release in 2003. More than 10 years - actually longer than the first period in the the 80s!

TNT have always suffered challenging logistics. We envy band and crew who live in the same city  Traveling and being away from home can be hard for everybody. Especially for those who have to travel the longest and be the longest time away from their dear ones.

The only firm 2015 plans so far is that Ronni will continue promoting his recent solo album and will be gigging with Rypdal/Tekrø. Diesel will be doing some gigs with Tindrum featuring Kee Marcello.

The TNT heart has NOT stopped beating. Consider it possible that TNT will rise again - sooner or later - in one way or another form. The band are open for suggestions and comments - and for sure we will be in touch with you."

Following is Harnell's official statement regarding his departure:

“This was an amazing year for me and for all the TNT fans who were lucky enough to be at the concerts. Many of the shows were the best TNT shows ever in my opinion. Sadly it's not possible for me to continue with the band. I won't bore you with all the's nothing mind blowing and it's certainly nothing new and it's also best to respect the privacy of the band and keep our issues between us. At least that's my goal. What I can tell you all is that I tried very hard once again to make it work for the long haul. I had really high hopes that it would last this time and that we would continue for years to come but it is a very volatile little machine. It's a really great band with a wonderful catalog of music and I'm proud of all the work we've done and all we've accomplished over the years. I love our crew and appreciate all their hard work and dedication. I wish the other guys in the band well in life and in all their future endeavors.

To the wonderful TNT fans...I know you feel deep disappointment right now and truly, so do I...more than you could ever know. My heart is broken, again, but I have no regrets about the past year and I'm really happy I could have such a wonderful final tour with the band for you guys. To all those who's cities we didn't reach, I apologize. It wasn't for lack of desire on my part to get to you this time.

Onward and upward! Love you all!

P.S. This is my statement, I won't elaborate.”

Live photo by Petter Stene

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