TROIKADON Featuring Former BOLT THROWER, MASSACRE Members Update Progress Of Debut Album

September 21, 2018, 6 years ago

news black death troikadon

TROIKADON Featuring Former BOLT THROWER, MASSACRE Members Update Progress Of Debut Album

Troikadon, the triple-fronted band with vocals from old school veterans Kam Lee, Karl Willetts, and Dave Ingram, with the lineup completed by Rogga Johansson (guitars), Jonny Pettersson (bass) and Travis Ruvo (drums) have an update on the progress of the album.

Dave Ingram: “All the music - drums, guitar and bass tracks - is finished, and sounding as old school as you could imagine. The lads have done a grand job! Right now the album is in the very capable hands of Kam, who is writing and recording his vocal tracks and planning out the lines for me and Karl on those songs he is writing. Next it will be me for my contribution of the same, and then Karl. It’s taken us a while to get this far, since all six of us have been busy with various projects too numerous to mention, but we can tell you that the album is very much under production.”

Tentative track titles:

“Triumvirate Of Death” (album title)
“Crimson Art”
“Return Of The Graveworm”
“Funeral Flesh: A Mortician’s Tale”
“Suffering Of The Sinister”
“Casket Malediction”
“Gargoyles Over The House Of Fairfax”

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