TWISTED SISTER's Jay Jay French - "Rock Is Severely In Trouble; It’s An Aging Cultural Phenomena"

February 23, 2015, 9 years ago

news hard rock jay jay french twisted sister

TWISTED SISTER's Jay Jay French - "Rock Is Severely In Trouble; It’s An Aging Cultural Phenomena"

Canada’s The Metal Voice recently spoke with Twisted Sister's lead guitarist, founder and columnist for - Jay Jay French. During their chat, which can be heard below, French talks about his symbiotic relationship with Dee Snider, gives music business advice, and dishes on the new Twisted Sister documentary.

When asked if rock is dead, French replied, "Rock is severely in trouble in that it’s an aging cultural phenomena; it’s over 50 years old and it’s not regenerating with the youth. When I was 17 and I would see Zeppelin, The Stones, The Who,  all those guys when I was 16-17 they were 24 years old. Well now there are no rock bands coming up, that are that enormous that are that young. You are watching the aging out of a genre of music.”

Check out a teaser clip for the aforementioned documentary, We Are Twisted Fucking Sister!

Synopsis: Some considered Twisted Sister a joke, but others called them the greatest bar band in the world. While the microcosm of punk/new wave was being born in Manhattan, Twisted Sister was battling their way to the top of a working class, suburban, cover-band bar scene, that surrounded NYC in a 100 mile radius, yet existed in a parallel universe.

Twisted were the Grand Funk of Glam and the NY Dolls of metal, channeling youthful fury, and a wicked sense of humor, into a sort of blue collar performance art in a vast scene that boasted monster clubs, attracting audiences of up to 2-5000 a night. It was both a great living and a dead end, offering no future outside the suburban enclave. If you think you know them from their hit songs, the MTV videos and massive stadium shows, this is the untold story of how they became that band - full of strange, and often hilarious, twists and turns.

It's about rock 'n roll and the business of rock 'n roll. It's about perseverance and things blowing up in your face. It's about finding yourself, finding your audience and doing literally anything, however wild, to connect with them. A mesmerizing, and wickedly funny story of a 10 year odyssey to overnight success. Dress like women, talk like men, play like motherfuckers!



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