DISMEMBER - The God That Never Was

March 3, 2006, 18 years ago


Mark Gromen

Rating: 8.0

review dismember

DISMEMBER - The God That Never Was

The 11 slices of death on the veteran Swedes' latest continue the traditional twin guitar melodies (‘Time Heals Nothing’) witnessed on Where Ironcrosses Grow, yet heavies up the overall presentation. The instrumental ‘Phantoms (Of The Oath)’ and closing ‘Where No Ghost Is Holy’ come closest to the NWOBHM guitars heard on the predecessor. At 37:45, the CD moves by quickly, an amusement park ride with no anticipation, just shot from a cannon, full-bore speed, start to finish, stripped of all filler, just 100% aggression, each track finished before the four-minute mark. Matte Karki sounds pretty pissed off, barking with a vitriolic sloshing of words that hints at hydrophobia forming on his tongue! The matter-of-fact deliver of the Ed Gein-inspired speech (backed by slowing sawblade and ripping flesh), announces ‘Never Forget, Never Forgive’, while battlefield noises commence ‘Trail Of The Dead’. Killer stuff!

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