DORO - Warrior Soul

June 13, 2006, 18 years ago


Mark Gromen

Rating: 7.0

review doro

DORO - Warrior Soul

When was the last time Ms. Pesch had a proper domestic release? Well she’s back playing straight-ahead metal (industrial experimentation and nu-er sounds verboten). No real surprises, as the dozen tracks mix the uptempo pomp of ‘Haunted Heart’ and ‘Thunderspell’ with the more sensitive (read: anguished love songs) ‘Heaven I See’ and the synthesized strings of ‘Above The Ashes’. They come in bunches, opening with a quartet of lively material, before turning to a more introspective approach (including the moody, otherworldly title cut) and finishing with a mix bag. The German-sung pair of acoustic-laden ‘In Liebe Und Freundschaft’ (In Love and Friendship) and simple, 99 second and punky ‘Ungerbrochen’ (Unbroken) are preceded by the fist-throwing choruses within ‘My Majesty’. ‘Shine On’ ends the proper album, although some formats will feature an acoustic guitar only bonus of the title tracks, where Doro’s vocals are right up front, unencumbered by the effects that appear on the album version (even though there’s an echoing wind throughout).

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