MEGADETH - Arsenal Of Megadeth

May 5, 2006, 18 years ago


Greg Pratt

Rating: 8.0

review megadeth

MEGADETH - Arsenal Of Megadeth

Modern day metal videos just don’t have the wonderfully tainted glow of nostalgia that the classics do, and having all the classic Mega-vids in one place is pretty damn cool. A couple things, first off: pretty sure this could have fit on one DVD, so for crying out loud, save some resources and stop releasing double DVDs that could be a single disc. Also, why would a band like anti-censorship crusaders Megadeth allow all the swear words to be edited out of this? How embarrassing, and annoying. It’s 2006! Ah well, this DVD is still very cool as it collects all the band’s videos (uh, except ‘Crush ‘Em’!), as well as small samplings of interviews through the years, a few live songs and a couple neat hidden things, which would be completely impossible to find if it wasn’t for doing an internet search for ‘em, making me wonder why they’re hidden in the first place. The vids are here in chronological order, proving that indeed the band does get more boring as time wears forth. But there are some forgotten gems in the later years, as the clips for ‘Trust’ and ‘Train Of Consequences’ will remind viewers. So, hell yeah, turn it up; ‘deth rule.

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