UFO - Seven Deadly
March 30, 2012, 12 years ago
Fully expecting another safe, middle of the road release of the type that UFO have been peddling during the Vinnie Moore era, the English hard rock vets surprise their long suffering fan base with something different on this, their 22nd full length. Track number two, 'Wonderland', is the initial indicator, the first full-out heavy metal track in the last decade, evoking memories of the primo Walk On Water platter. A cracking track that grabs the listener's attention, it's the perfect setup for the rest of this fine comeback album, mixing crisp hard rockers and stirring rock ballads. Kudos to guitarist Moore who seems to have finally fully settled in, delivering his best rhythm and lead work to date. And what more can be said of the indomitable Phil Mogg who continues to be blessed with a silky croon unlike any other. His mind still seems to be slumming the seedier side of life though, as reflected in the immaculate album highlight 'Burn Your House Down' where he courts murder and suicide. A damn fine return to form that will hopefully reignite the UFO fanbase.