WARRANT - Born Again

March 8, 2006, 18 years ago


Carl Begai

Rating: 5.0

review warrant

WARRANT - Born Again

While former Warrant singer Jani Lane continues to fall off a new wagon every week (dude, get some help!), the world will decide if the remaining four-fifths of the original lineup plus Black ‘N’ Blue vocalist Jaime St. James should have bothered to bring the Warrant name back. Okay, this lineup has been kicking around the clubs for a while now, but having an album out suddenly makes things a lot more serious. Born Again sees Warrant going back to their “roots” – not having to dig very deep, mind you – offering up a rock-out-with-your-cock-out platter reminiscent of their overrated debut, Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinking Rich. Lane’s absence is noteworthy for two reasons: the lack of balladic cheese (a plus), and a lack of dynamics a la their severely underrated 1992 album, Dog Eat Dog. With the exception of ‘Glimmer’ every song on the album shares the same grooving mid-tempo, some of ‘em catchy (‘Devil’s Juice’, ‘Rollercoaster’), a lot of ‘em instantly forgettable, and one of ‘em (‘Love Strikes Like Lightning’) more than smacking of Aerosmith’s ‘Sweet Emotion’. Makes for a ho-hum listening experience in spite of the gritty rock groove, particulary for those that remember St. James’ energy on B’N’B’s early records. Interestingly enough, it’s not hard to imagine Lane singing the vocal parts on Born Again, which says a lot about just how many people in the band were actually responsible for the original Warrant’s sound at the end of the day. Whether or not this album drums up enough interest to…erm…warrant another remains to be seen.

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