(Dark Descent)
Rating: 8.5
I don’t know Sydney-based Golgothan Remains, but I sure know Dark Descent, and Dark Descent sure know their death metal, so I’m all in. The cover art sets the tone and mood wonderfully, and I love how opener “Methuselah” goes from somewhat tamed doomy death to a sideways, blackened urban clang; the grinding and blasting on this song is wonderful, the riffing nodding to Luc Lemay through the labyrinths.
By the time the song reaches its stunning conclusion, if you’re not all in, you’re already dead. “Tribulation” alternates between smart groove and blackened blast; closer “Andromeda” is like Pyrrhon covering Gorguts on a limited-edition 7” that came as a split Hydra Head/Relapse release in 1998.
As this EP goes on, I’m drawn further in by the truly tortured sounding vocals, the dissonant chords, the foreign yet familiar structures… This band is really tapping into something special here, and I have no idea why I didn’t know Golgothan Remains, but I’m glad that’s changed.
This is a fantastic EP for those looking for some mind-altering extremity, and I can’t wait to see what the band does next.