AGENT STEEL Busy Writing; Late November Gig Details Surface

November 11, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news agent steel

American speed-thrash metal band AGENT STEEL have issued the following update:

"We recently moved in to a new rehearsal studio in Los Angeles and we've been busy writing; some real good song ideas coming along; we'll keep you updated as the songs develop.

We have an upcoming show at the end of this month at the Black Castle in Inglewood on Saturday, November 29th also on the bill will be EXMORTUS and DREAMS OF DAMNATION, SCRAPMETAL, DISMANTLE and others!!! Should be a kick ass show.

New Agent Steel merchandise coming soon to retail stores in the UK. There's also some negotiations going on for some possible Agent SteelEuropean festival appearances for 2009."

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